Process for Patients

Prior to your first appointment:

  1. Your GP will provide a referral for Dr Tawfik. Please bring the original referral to your initial appointment.
  2. To make an appointment with Dr Tawfik at any of our locations, please call 1300 829 345 (1300 TAWFIK).

At your first appointment:

  1. At your first appointment, you will have an initial consultation with Dr Tawfik, which usually take 30 minutes.
  2. During your initial consultation Dr Tawfik will ask you questions relating to your history such as:
    • Your symptoms and how long you have had them.
    • Whether the symptoms come and go or if they are constant.
    • Whether the symptoms started suddenly or were gradual.
    • How they affect you at work and at home and if they interfere with any sports, hobbies or musical instruments.
    • If you have an injury, details about how and when the injury occurred.
    • Whether anything makes your symptoms better or worse.
    • Any treatment you have had to date.
  3. Following the history Dr Tawfik will conduct a Clinical Examination where he looks at your hand and wrist to help localise your pain and symptoms and examine the structures which may be causing the symptoms.
  4. Dr Tawfik will then review any tests you have had, and he may need to refer you for further testing to help clarify the diagnosis and best treatment options.
  5. Based on the above Dr Tawfik will talk you through all relevant treatment options, both non-surgical and surgical and make a recommendation for your situation.

Following your first appointment:

  1. You may require further appointments to evaluate your response to non-surgical management and to review the results of any further tests. (These follow up consultations are usually 15 minutes).
  2. Surgery may also be recommended, and this will be discussed with you in detail and plenty of opportunity will be given to you to ask any questions.